This method of brewing describes a process where pressurised hot water flows through finely-ground coffee contained within a metal basket. By compacting or tamping the coffee prior to extraction, added resistance is created, resulting in a higher concentration of suspended solids than filter coffee. Trapped Co2 within the beverage contributes to the perceived mouthfeel, referred to as crema. The result perfectly suits consumers looking for an intense cup and is the foundation for lattes, flat whites, cappuccinos and other milk-based drinks.
While espresso refers to both a coffee beverage and a brewing method, It is not a specific type of bean, blend or coffee origin. Most roast levels can be used to produce espresso, but a slightly darker roast is generally preferred.
Extraction Time
Extraction time is the total amount of contact time between the ground coffee and the water.
Grinding fine enough to ensure an extraction time of 25 -32 seconds will ensure optimal flavour and balance. Using a timer or stopwatch will help you to monitor this.
Brew Recipe
A good starting point is to aim for a ratio of 1:2 coffee to water. E.G. For an 18 gram dose, try to achieve a 36 gram yield. Yield can be adjusted slightly according to personal preference. We pour longer shots at Seven Seeds cafes, using 19 grams of coffee to achieve a 43 gram yield.
Grind Size
Grind size is how fine or coarse your coffee beans are ground.
There is a direct relationship between grind size and extraction time. Achieving a slower extraction time requires a finer grind size. Faster extraction time requires a coarser grind size.
Make Adjustments to your Recipe
For a cup with bigger body and more intensity, explore using a ratio with less water. A slower brew time will also achieve this. Remember, the finer the grind size the slower the extraction time will be.
If you prefer brighter coffee with less intensity, explore using a longer yield. A coarser grind size will result in faster extraction time giving brighter acidity with less intensity.
On any espresso machine, the size of the basket will determine how much coffee to use. It’s helpful to identify how much coffee the basket holds to ensure repeatability and consistency. Some baskets may have the prescribed dose printed on the side, otherwise, you can use a scale to weigh and measure an amount of coffee that fits comfortably without being too full or empty.
Tamping the coffee should give you a level bed a few millimeters from the top edge of the basket. This allows for water to flow freely resulting in efficient extraction.